Monday, October 5, 2009

Eating Right For Baby and Me

On my third month I had already quit smoking, drinking from then on I had to stop drinking soda and eating junk food because in my mind and heart I wanted a healthy baby. To do that I had to give up everything I wanted and worry about what kind of food my son needed
to become really healthy,so I started to eat more fruits, vegetables, and sometimes milk I knew that if I wanted a healthy baby I would have to do everything to make sure he was okay in my stomach. I started to eat foods that I thought I would never eat and during my pregnancy I hated fried food and even heavy meat like steak and fish it wasn't really tasty and all it made me do was throw-up every single time I would try to eat it. Everything had to do with my child it wasn't about me anymore I had to do my best to eat healthier and to stay away from foods that I figured would not provide my son any good. While I'm eating all these healthy foods I also had to still take my prenatal vitamins to keep my baby growing well. While I'm going through this my mid-wife had given me a list of foods I couldn't eat and coul eat. For example, I couldn't eat Fats, spicy foods, drink coffee, noodles, chocolate, spearmint and peppermint because she said it would all contribute into causing heartburn's, so I had to look to my self and train my self to not eat or drink these things because it would harm my baby "so I did" and I think that my baby will come out wonderful and handsome just by doing all these things I feel relieved and filled with joy that I tried my best.

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