Tuesday, February 2, 2010


When Jacob is really hungry he would just cry really loud so therefore I would know that he's hungry or he needs a diaper change from mommy. When I'm carrying Jacob he tends to cry often because he wants to be carried and not left alone. As for me being his mom, I do my best to make him happy and cheerful. My son also has problem sleeping at night because as young as he is he mixes up his days and nights. When I seen this happening I tried my best to change it around, but sometimes its really hard for me because I'm always at school most of the day and the only days I have to keep him up all day is on Friday and on the weekends. Its really crazy because I really don't want him to sleep in the morning and then stay awake all through the night. It doesn't give me enough time sleep and it keeps me up all night, so when I come to school I'm sleeping in my classes instead of doing my work. It drives me nuts.

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